Today they are continuing to work on the engine install including controls and instrument hookups. This install is more complex than most because Strider has two helms, one outside like most boats, and one at the inside pilot house. Unfortunately, the throttle and shifter control cables are too short so they’re trying to source new ones. Hopefully these will be readily found!
Engine almost done…still working on throttle and shift cables…working on getting the hydraulic pump for the auto pilot system hooked up to the system as well as AIS and GPS. Made new battery box for engine start batteries and hooking up to engine now.

For those interested, here are the specs for the engine. It is oversized for this boat, but my options were quite limited due to supply chain problems surrounding covid.
The AIS and GPS should be good to go soon as well. There will be navigation gear at both helms. The Garmin gear all interacts together, including navigational computers, AIS, and autopilot, and can be controlled from a phone or tablet.